
wradlib.io.hdf.open_gamic_dataset(filename_or_obj, group=None, **kwargs)

Open and decode an GAMIC radar sweep or volume from a file or file-like object.

This function uses open_radar_dataset under the hood.

  • filename_or_obj (str, Path, file-like or DataStore) – Strings and Path objects are interpreted as a path to a local or remote radar file and opened with an appropriate engine.

  • group (str, optional) – Path to a sweep group in the given file to open.

Keyword Arguments
  • keep_elevation (bool) – For PPI only. Keep original elevation data if True. Defaults to False, which fixes erroneous elevation data.

  • keep_azimuth (bool) – For RHI only. Keep original azimuth data if True. Defaults to False, which fixes erroneous azimuth data.

  • reindex_angle (bool or float) – Defaults to None (reindex angle with tol=0.4deg). If given a floating point number, it is used as tolerance. If False, no reindexing is performed. Only invoked if decode_coord=True.

  • **kwargs (optional) – Additional arguments passed on to xarray.open_dataset.


dataset (xarray.Dataset or wradlib.io.xarray.RadarVolume) – The newly created radar dataset or radar volume.