
How to contribute to \(\omega radlib\)?

We need your help to enhance the capabilities of \(\omega radlib\)! Is there an algorithm you would consider useful? Please provide code (in any programming language) or documentation. We will it a try to integrate this algorithm in \(\omega radlib\).

However, there is an even better way: Start a Pull Request!

  • Step 1: Fork your own \(\omega radlib\) repository from the \(\omega radlib\) main repo.
  • Step 2: Implement your changes into the forked repository. Test your code.
  • Step 3: Now you want to feed these changes back into the main \(\omega radlib\) development branch? Start a Pull Request!
  • Step 4: We will review your changes. On approval, we will merge your fork back into the main \(\omega radlib\) branch.
  • Step 5: Now everyone can benefit from your improvements.

A step-by-step tutorial for a pull request can be found here.

Finally, you are welcome to contribute examples of your own \(\boldsymbol \omega radlib\) applications in our recipes section. There, you will also find a guide on how to submit your recipes to the \(\omega radlib\) documentation pages.


Your feedback will contribute to the future development of \(\omega radlib\)! To provide feedback, use the issues page and create an issue (bug reports, suggestions, …).

We also encourage you to register to the mailing list wradlib-users. Using this mailing list or forum, you can ask other users and developers for help and help others, and we can notify you about the latest updates and developments.